In the Woods

Butter Face

calf with mild smeared on his face

The calves are a constant source of smile and downright laughter. Many times we only get to interact with them twice a day during feeding time with some of those times only getting a quick count before moving on to other chores.

Watching the little ones come running when they hear the Gator loaded with hay, or seeing them calling for their mother from across the field as they hope that mama comes to them rather them going in search of her. The kiddos gang up to scamper around the large pasture fields or to plop down in the grass to practice chewing their cud. They are always up to something cute.

While I was feeding yesterday, one calf did not stop nursing while I was feeding hay. He was very busy and couldn’t have been bothered with others milling about and eating.

black calf with milk smeared on his faceFinally after done with his milk meal, his mother was able to move toward a pile of delicious hay while the calf stood with a like that I like to call “milk stupid”. Nursing is a hard job for calves (and human babies for that matter), and it like running a marathon. It is common for a calf to work up a good lather as it goes round and round the set of four teats. Also the act of nursing can raise the calf’s temperature from the exertion so that when a calf is finally done with the meal, it takes a few minutes of huffing and puffing to return to the normal respiratory rate and body temperature to moderate.

This calf was in the “milk stupid” state and hung around several minutes while he caught his breath. It was a good thing that it only took a  little time to get his second wind and he was able to get his share of hay before the rest of the herd snatched it all up.

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I am so pleased to announce that MaryJane Nordgren has made her new book available to the public! Click here for your copy of Nandria’s War.

One thought on “Butter Face

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Great image and description of “milk stupid.” Wouldn’t it be great if us oldsters got that second wind the calves (and other youngsters) get so fast that they are ready to take on the world full speed again

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