
Bull Pen News

It is always a good sign to have a bull buyer show up to look at the critters  having the stock trailer with them.

A red pickup with stock trailer on back.This pickup and trailer came over from Astoria. The group of three inside had never been to our farm before, and had never seen the bulls. They had heard of us from our many, many years of showing animals at fairs and from other customers who were happy with the animals they bought over the years.

The three were all from different farms out along the Coast Range and rode together for efficiency. After a tour of the farm, a few hours going over the pedigrees and getting into the bull pen for close observation, each farmer picked out an animal that they wanted to purchase for their own farm.

Three yearling bulls were loaded and sold this day to the trailer that showed up in the driveway. Remaining in the bull pen are the other three yearlings that were sold last month but will stay here through April, our 2yr. old bull Cooley, and two yearling bulls. Our selling season is quickly coming to an end.