Beyond the FarmCattle

Bull Information

I wanted to get out some information on a bull that we have available for sale. He is currently ‘working’ with our loaner herd at the neighbors farm keeping the grass trimmed down in the fields and keeping company with the 3 adult cows and their calves.

SAF Zippy American Angus Association #18537851 born 4/19/2016 and weighed 75 lbs. This bull is considered a calving ease bull meaning that with his genetics expected progeny would tend to lead to lighter weight calves making for easy birth for young animals or smaller framed females.

Since he has been on the loaner farm, he has been on pasture so he is looking lanky and thin, just what is expected when not getting full rations of grain to supplement his diet.

He was really more interested in hanging with the girls than me in the pen with my camera. He was calm during my visit, no bellowing or running around. The cows he is with are ones that had been worked with and taken to fairs and nothing startles them so Zippy does not worry about noises or movements around the herd.