Beyond the FarmConservation and Stewardship

Buckets Of Blue

This summer has been keeping all of us here on the farm busy and mostly on the farm. So it was a rare treat to get away the other day, and it happened to be a local u-pick farm.

I had been worried that we were going to be too late in the season for good blueberries with the weather heating up so quickly. I knew that the variety that I had fallen in love with a couple of years ago, those surprisingly large Duke blueberries, had already been finished picking for the season more than ten days earlier.

One bucket emptied made for 6 quarts of bagged berries

My sister and I went to see what we could find at Tom’s Berry Patch. A new field had just ripened and this variety was called Legacy. I had not heard of them before and was amazed at the smallish size bushes just loaded with sweet delicious berries. We picked until all of our containers were full and made it out of the field in several trips totaling 50 lbs of berries. I could not have been happier.

The rest of the day was spent cleaning, sorting, freezing and bagging them up for the winter months with a good supply kept out for fresh eating.

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