Beyond the Fields

Blown To Smithereens

This round of snow came as big, wet, plate-sized flakes. Splatting first on the wet ground, then piling up as it continued to snow. This is snowball making weather, however I did not have time to play because it was piling up so fast it made it hard to maneuver around to take care of the animals and added hours of work each day.

The tall fir trees were all hanging heavy and their branches drooped with the wet snow. Conditions were perfect to lose electricity. Our local power company works all year to keep lines free of hazards from the trees, but when firs tower on both sides of the power lines 120 feet tall or more, limbs and trees do come down at the most inopportune moments and cause havoc with the lines.

On Sunday, when the snow was piling up, the Superbowl was also happening. Now I’m not much for watching sports, but Mike is a big fan. The chore schedule on the farm was adjusted so that the TV could be on during the big game and we could be in the house to see the event.

I was looking forward to seeing the commercials that had been hyped all week, and planned on watching the halftime show. We were ready, but as the half-time break started, the power went out. Luckily, it was not out for long but we missed all the half time excitement. The power was restored and the we had the chance to hear the commentators telling how great they thought the entertainment was just as the teams were headed back onto the field.

Since it looked like the snow was going to continue to pile up, I drew extra water from the well for washing, drinking and flushing because we just knew the electricity would surely go out again.

Just after dark we experienced a power surge. A loud pop from one of the surge protectors we have scattered throughout the house frightened all of us as we were plunged into darkness. Amazingly, the power came back on, but the pump that brings well water to the house did not.

Tromping out through the snow to the pump house, we found the pump had blown up.

Pump condenser that has blown up.This little condenser, about the size of an adult thumb, took the brunt of the power surge. The power that was released, fried the motor on the pump beyond fix-ability.

Repairs would have to wait until morning chores could be completed and when hardware/pump supply stores would be open for business.