In the Fields

Bird Bath

Last week we had a stretch of drier weather and the ground finally started to firm up after the soggy month of daily showers. The puddles were not as prominent and a few even dried up completely. The lawn no longer sounded like a wet sponge when walked on and the temperature seemed to moderate a bit and it is evident that the pastures are beginning to grow.

bird bathWith the squalls of we experienced the other day, the puddles promptly filled back up. Now with the ground around the puddles firmed from the bout of drying, the pools hold their shape rather than the whole farm looking like a marsh bog. The robins have moved in to begin their spring worming escapades. The pastures and lawns are loaded with beady-eyed birds walking in herky-jerky fashion while hunting for the delicacies of the earth.

bird bathWhile all the hunting was going on, one fair feathered creature opted for a bath instead of the hard work. He flitted and fluttered and bobbed up and down in a puddle that was just the right size for him.

bird bathHe squatted low in the puddle and let the cool water soak his backside before standing taller to shake off drops only to repeat the squat, it must of felt good because he was taking his time with the luxurious spa treatment. He did not seem to be in a hurry to get back to the business of worming any time soon.

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I am so pleased to announce that MaryJane Nordgren has made her new book available to the public! Click here for your copy of Nandria’s War.