CattleIn the BarnIn the Fields


The only word I can use to describe the hustle on Friday afternoon and evening is barely. We barely could get the bales in under cover before showers. Barely got the field completed before dark. And barely had enough energy (both human and machine) to get this small harvest safe before Mother Nature stepped in.

We had to dose with analgesics before bed or there would have been no rest for this weary bunch. But the new day is on us and it is time to finish what we started. First, Mike will jockey the bale stacker into position to up-end the load into the bay in the barn, when we will unstack the “Big Red Beast” by hand and getting the bales into position where they will rest until winter.

nearly completed hayfieldOn the outside round, the ones under the tall fir trees are not good quality bales since their moisture content is high. These bales will mold if we stack them tight in with all the rest of the harvest. So instead we moved them, five and six bales at a time with the Gator and spread them out in the bull barn and the show barn. Mike salted them down and staggered them for air flow. We will be feeding these first before they have a chance to mold.

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