Babysitting In The Nursery Field
The unfortunate choice opted by the main herd to meander across the river before our big storm dumped 5 inches of rain and brought the river up to levels that they could not re-cross, has the cows in the nursery field keeping a close eye on the four newest members.
When the main herd is where they are supposed to be, which is residing just outside the fence line of the nursery field, there are many eyes watching the youngsters for dangers such as coyotes (common) and cougars (not so common). While the main herd is stuck on the wrong side of the river, the mothers of the four calves are watching closer the babies closer than ever.
The cows are taking turns babysitting the young ones while the other three head off to graze. The older of the calves sometimes abandon the babysitter is search of their mothers forcing the sitter along with the younger ones move along until everyone is together again.
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Sheep would do the same babysitting thing. We called it “auntie duty.”
Animals are much smarter than we give them credit for.