In the BarnIn the Fields

And The Race Is On

a mowed hay fieldWhen Mike mowed down those few acres of grass in the hayfield the other day, it did not look like a big amount. Yet as we watched the weather forecast and the clouds gathering in the sky, we feel that maybe we bit off more than we should have.

Friday was spent in a dither. First we had to wait for the dew to get off the grass. Then Mike went through and raked the hay into wind rows. We noticed that the rows were showing a lot of really green grass, the ground below the mowed field was still damp to the touch. We had to wait for nature to dry the dirt and the grass that was rolled to the top of the wind rows. We had a good wind but the sun was not coming out like it had done the last couple of days. It stayed cloudy with a good drying breeze.

By 3pm the clouds took on the look of thunderheads. Bright white billowing tops with ominous looking dark clouds below. Mike could not wait any longer and began bailing the grass into bales.

At 430, we were picking up bales. Mike used the stacker for the first 69 and rolled it into the barn  without unloading just so it would be under cover. Then I got into the back of the old farm truck we call ‘The Big Red Beast’ while Mike hooked the Henry Loader onto the side and drove around the field picking up the rest of the bales in the field.

hayfieldTomorrow you will hear if we were able to finish the field before  the conclusion of either running out of daylight or the rain running us out of the field.

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