In the Woods

An Early Start With Lunch In Mind

I am torn. I would love to spend my days meandering through the forest foraging for elusive goodies but the day to day life of the farm dictates that I curtail my wanderlust to small sashays, I like to call them ‘one bucket walks’ just enough to get enough mushrooms for several days of eating or preserving by freezing or dehydrating. The season is just beginning and the pickings are few and far between, so the ‘one bucket walks’ are more like ‘enough ‘for the next meal or two.’

When Mike goes up the hill to finish out our logging year, I have been known to take the deer and elk trails down rather than ride back out of the forest. Many hot spots from previous years mushroom production are not bringing forth any edibles so most of the time I get to the landing with only one or two of the delicacies. Which feeds my wanting even more.

The other day I got up early to get my chores done at the barn then went across the river to the landing where I had a pile of firewood chunks that needed splitting. I rushed through the chores and the splitting (with the help of my awesome machine, the Super Split), grabbed my bucket with mushroom knife attached and raced uphill. I was determined to get enough fungi for my lunchtime meal.

Chanterelle and Lobster mushroomsAt the second spot I found the first of the season lobster mushroom along with a handful of Chanterelles and that is when my phone ringed. Mike was telling me it was time to feed the main herd their breakfast. I made my way down out of the forest and met him as he was loading the Gator with hay.

My successful plan made for a delicious lunch. Lobster and Chanterelle mushrooms in broth, delicious! I am already planning for my next foray.

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