Beyond the FarmBeyond the Fields

A Break In The Weather

A small thunderstorm rolled through last night. It was a welcomed sight to see a few drop come down. It has been an extremely warm and dry August and first half of September and the fire danger has been swinging from moderate to high, but mostly being stuck at high.

Near midnight we had enough rain to make a few puddles and by morning the moisture had all absorbed into the thirsty ground. The smoke particles in the air have been cleaned out by the rain and it feels good to walk around outside without smelling smoke and feeling drug-out by the heat.

This is not enough rain to douse the Columbia Gorge fire or to keep the fire danger here on the farm down for more than a day or two. A new system should be bringing higher temps and warm weather again in the next 24-48 hours. With the nights lengthening the sweltering 100 degree days should be at an end since there is just not enough daylight time to heat up that much.