Beyond the FarmIn the Barn

A Beautiful Morning

Moments come along that can simply take your breath away. The beauty that jumped at me this morning was the bright blue sky with just enough clouds to enhance the brightness of the blue in the back ground.

A bright fall morning with clouds painting the sky above the barn and woods.Although the animals were antsy and waiting rather impatiently for their breakfast, I just had to take a moment to capture the beauty with a snapshot and another moment for me just to absorb the wonder around us.

The rapture did not last long, Crazy Uncle Boaz (the cat) contorted around my legs, the young bull #18 started with a teenage bellow, and the cows began clanking the head stanchions in the barn. The sound reminded me of those old prison movies where the prisoner would bang his tin up on the cell barns to tell the jailer he needed attention. It was most assuredly time for the morning meal.

The clouds were the precursor for the heavier rain clouds that were moving into the area. Those are pretty in their own way, just not as dramatic as these were.