CattleIn the Fields

#80 Rosalie And Primrose

Feeding the main herd became a little more difficult with our decision to move them across, across the river to the far field for a week of grazing. Now we have to drive up the county road to access the gate into the field. The Gator is open with no windows or doors, the weather has turned colder and we have been having snow. And now with the evening feeding it looks like #80 Rosalie will deliver any day… those were the thoughts going through my head as we fed the herd at evening time.

At the morning feeding, #80 was missing from the herd. We tramped along in the buck brush and dormant snow berry bushes, we drove the upper field, scouted along the fence line and along the fir-line sections, we peered across the river to the far side by the 6 acre field and walked the old railroad tracks without finding her. When we got back to the house we looked along the other side of the 6 acre field and still could not find her. We reluctantly decided to let nature take its course, #80 is an old hand at calving and knows the procedure from experience.

Angus cow with newborn calf
#80 Roasalie and Primrose

When we drove up the road for the evening meal, she was standing just outside the main herd with her new calf in tow as if we hadn’t been looking for several hours. We still can’t figure out where she was hiding but we are happy to see how things turned out.

Welcome to the farm, heifer SAF Primrose born 3/17/2020 and weighing in at 76 lbs.

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