Beyond the FarmConservation and Stewardship

Whatcha Doin’ Saturday? Part 2

Historically, both Washington County Small Woodlands Association and Columbia County Small Woodlands Association hold their respective plant sales on the second Saturday in March every year. Through very unusual circumstances last year, Washington County had a glitch with the venue schedule and had to hold the sale on the third Saturday. The switch allowed me to participate in both sales for the first time ever, it was such a treat for me! No matter which county, the volunteering that I do with other Woodland folk and the surrounding community has always given me so much more than what I can give to the groups. And getting to share my love of plants with other people who have the same passion make for wonderful and fulfilling days of sharing information and sturdy seedlings.

Columbia County seedling order formThis year both plant sales once again fall on the same second Saturday which is March 14th. Since I am on the Board for the Washington County Chapter of the Small Woodlands, I will be working at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Hillsboro for their sale and cannot be at both locations for their sales. But don’t fear, Schmidlin Angus Farms will be represented at the Columbia County Small Woodland plant sale at the same time because Marilyn will be working the day in St. Helen’s with that sale.

Columbia County Flyer From the original flyer, one tree (Shantung Maple) become unavailable this week (crop failure) so it has been substituted by Red Maple.

The Columbia County sale differs from Washington County because these seedlings are sold bare root rather than potted, however the caution to arrive early for best selections apply to both sales because these community events are much anticipated and highly sought after.

I am sad to miss this sale since it was so much fun to attend last year and I’m going to ask a favor from my dear readers. Just so she feels welcome, make sure to let Marilyn know that you heard about the sale from! And we would love to hear about your experiences of the seedling sales.

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I am so pleased to announce that MaryJane Nordgren has made her new book available to the public! Click here for your copy of Nandria’s War.