CattleIn the BarnIn the Fields

Spring Stretch

cows in a far pastureI have been telling you about the main herd across the river getting that Spring Feeling when wanting to go to the fields that are beginning to show new grass growth. The bulls in the bull pen have been given ‘day passes’ to extended fields around the bull barn to get their share of fresh pastures and the animals in the show barn are allowed in different fields as well. The rotation quells that urge to test the fences to see if the grass is actually greener on the other side, it keeps the cattle content and we do not have to spend more time than usual fixing fence. It is a win on all sides of the fences, pens and pastures.

Even with the rotations to new grazing areas, the Spring Feeling is in the air and behaviors are changing. It might have something to do with the temperature warming a bit, those old winter coats that the critters have been sporting all winter are beginning to wear out and are becoming itchy. The cows are rubbing their long necks on fence posts and trees, corners of the barn and each other to scour out some of the thick fur so the summer, sleek coat can fill in. The calves are racing each other around the field at odd times and it sends the mothers into a panic to chase after them so they don’t get into trouble away from the safety of the larger animals.

heifer standing with front legs up on an old stumpThe cows are also working on their bodies to get back into shape for the warmer weather and they are stretching more than during the cold, damp winter months. Old stumps are changing from hazards to walk around to ergonomic, bi-level, torso stretching, exercise devices. Cows, calves and bulls are using the stumps wherever they find them to stretch out those winter muscles and get their spring groove-a-movin’.

It seems like all of a sudden the farm has turned into a gymnasium. Which reminds me, maybe I should be out there doing a little stretching before climbing the ladder for tree trimming…

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I am so pleased to announce that MaryJane Nordgren has made her new book available to the public! Click here for your copy of Nandria’s War.