
Elk and Angus

My dining table is my writing desk. It is my family game night surface. My quiet cup of coffee for a needed break spot. It is a suitable napping spot if I prop my elbows on the top and place my weary head into my the vee of my hands. My bill-paying desk and my tax paperwork office. Once and a while it is also just a dining table.

It happened to be a dining table when I looked out the window to enjoy the view and saw that the elk were wandering through the field just a few yards from the small bunch of cows we have close to the house. The moment only lasted a few minutes as the elk moved from the field and into the timber. I’m happy I got the chance to get a couple of pictures before they left.

No matter how often I get the opportunity to see wildlife and domesticated animals near each other, it always gives me the sense of beauty and grandeur of our area. What a truly amazing world we are fortunate to live in, and reminds me that I need to do my part to keep this precious land as healthy and sustainable as possible.