In the Woods

Fruit Too

trays of figs, blueberries and apples ready for dehydrator

I am keeping the dehydrator busy these days with lots of veggies. And when I get tired of doing that, I switch to fruit.

Today happened to be blueberries, apples sliced thin, and figs. I love adding these scrumptious goodies to my ‘adventure fruit’ stash, those little baggies that I carry in the car, in jacket pockets, in suitcases and everywhere I go. The mixtures are are a good little pick-me-up so I don’t go in search of those snacks that are not nearly as healthy.

As soon as this batch is done drying, I will switch back to veggies.

Speaking of the veggies, I had a friend tell me that she freezes her zucchini/summer squash. She told me that she has always grated the squash and froze it to make fritters or bread well after summer is over. I could see this working well if the squash is frozen into baggies of one or two cups in each so when it came time to make the baking, the correct amount could be pulled from the freezer easily.

She also mentioned that today they are busy slicing and blanching squash for one minute before freezing. Her mother-in-law said to fry it up with a little corn meal. From freezer to frying pan is how she stated it, no thawing necessary. Now I’m intrigued and may have to do a little creative preserving on my own to see how it works.