In the Woods

Baby Bear

head of cauliflower inside big leaves

I noticed while walking past the garden that a couple of the cauliflower heads were sticking right out there in the sunshine. That is not a good thing. The heads like to form in the dark, all nestled inside the big green leaves. I tried to plant the seedlings close enough together to help hold the leaves tightly bound around the heads but I erred in distance.

Sunshine turns the heads from bright white to dingy white or purple hued, either one is not very pretty. It can change the texture of the head from firm and tightly packed to loose and flimsy. I personally think it also changes their flavor giving them a more pungent odor and taste. Some people take a string to tie the leaves closed around the forming head but I have yet to have that work to my satisfaction, so I harvested three small heads rather than put off the inevitable. One will be eaten over the next several days and two will be processed into bite-sized florets to be frozen and packaged for winter meals.

overgrown garden

On the other side of the garden, I erred in distance again this time not leaving enough distance between rows and individual plants. The plants seem to be taking over every available ground space leaving no room to walk between the rows.

The tops of the beets are twice the size of the ones I planted last year, the beans are acting like runner beans rather than bush beans and the zucchini, well lets just say the bushes look like jungle growth.

Everything has been either too hot or too cool, too wet or too dry, to spare or way to overgrown. I’ve been doing gardens a long time but this harvest season seems maladjusted and refuses to be like baby bear, just right.

Which brings me to another thing that is not quite right. My follow button on is giving me fits and does not match correctly with the blog, but I will keep working on it and hopefully soon it also will be just right. Please bear with me, I don’t want to loose my faithful readers.