CattleIn the Barn

Bulls In Barn

Bulls in barnOur group of six yearling bulls that have been spending most of their time, lounging and growing in the bull pen pastures were rounded up and moved into the show barn to be sorted.

#26, Mud Dauber, now sixteen months old had been picked to be sold and we needed to sort him from all of his cousins so the new owner could pick him up. This crop of bulls are pretty docile and it was no problem to open the bull pen gate and let them into the green pasture that is usually held for the critters from the show barn.

It was also fairly easy to get the boys into the barn and secure the gates. Since Mud Dauber has always had other animals with him, we were cautious when separating him from all of his buddies. Mike and I moved into the pen and escorted Mud Dauber between the sorting gates into his own pen, and then from his own pen into the back of the waiting stock trailer.

trailer leaving loading barnIt happened so quickly and easily, I was not able to snap a picture until the back of the trailer had been securely locked and the new owner began to drive away.

The new owner, who has purchased bulls from us in the past, was happy with his selection and had a paddock full of cows waiting at the farm to welcome the new herd sire. The new owner and loaded bull seemed anxious to get on the road and onto the new adventure.

The five remaining bulls were moved back out to the pasture so they could graze throughout the day before they were moved back to the bull pen pastures.

2 thoughts on “Bulls In Barn

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    That was too easy. I kept waiting something to happen to give this story more excitement, but for your and Mike’s sake, I’m glad it didn’t.

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