In the GardenIn the Kitchen

Finally Finishing Walnuts

Walnuts, cracked and shells.It’s hard to capture in a picture what is not there, but this one does show my final day of shelling walnuts.
It was a slow-go working my way through the buckets of nuts that were dried and ready to be shelled.
Caramelized walnuts.A couple of quarts of nutmeats have already been caramelized with brown sugar, cinnamon and a hint of ginger for easy snacking, and for garnishing green salads. I prefer a sprinkling of nuts rather than croutons.
Now that this project is complete and 6 gallon bags of walnut meats are sealed and sitting in the freezer, I can clean off my workspace (the top of the chest freezer) and get back to doing other fall projects before we are knee-deep into winter.