Conservation and StewardshipIn the Woods

The Falling Of Old Three Top

The big white fir that we called Three Top had been turning red on the top and was quickly dying. Since this three is by the log landing, it would be dangerous to leave the tree standing where it could fall and land while we work or where the cows lounge.
Logger falling large white fir.The tree had provided nice shade while working near the landing and while I have been progressing along on my firewood project.
It took a deep undercut on the far side of the tree to assure that all the many tops and heavy limbs tipped the tree so it would not damage another tree in the area.
As the tree hit the ground, the dead tops shattered. All that could be salvaged out of the entire tree was two short logs of 16 feet each. The rest of the ‘bits ‘o tree’ debris was raked into piles by the bulldozer to decompose naturally and safely on the ground.