CattleIn the GardenIn the Woods

Moisture In The Forecast

There is a brittleness in the dry lawn as it crunches underfoot. Dust seems to coat every surface. The cattle have given up on coming across green growth in the hayfields and are rummaging through the scrub brush growing in the fence lines for anything edible between hay feedings.
The weather forecasts have been teasing us with a chance of rain in the extended forecasts for the better part of the summer only to dash our hopes as the individual days get closer. Weather apps change hourly as the probability of rain changes from 4 days of rain, to 3 days of probability to 2 days of a chance of rain, to not much more than darkening clouds before the sun again overtakes the sky.
I did find 7/100 of an inch in the rain gauge Saturday morning, but it did little to do more than leave a trace in the dust.  The forecast is again calling for rain to be moving into the area as of this writing. We are looking forward to the wet days with a little trepidation as all this dust is going to turn into something very messy.