CattleIn the Barn

#18 Headed To Temporary Job

We had a call from a farm near Banks in search of a loaner bull for their three cows. Our six yearling bulls were all in need of getting their identification tattoos put in their ears anyway so it was a good time to bring them all into the barn, get the tattooing completed and #18 separated from the group and into the stock trailer for a trip to another farm.
Yearling bulls locked into stanchions.One by one, I went down the line and put a halter on a bull while Mike was getting the numbers set into the crimping tool, he smeared green ink in their ears and crimped the number into each one.
The fourth bull in line was #18, Pirelli. When the others were done we moved them out of the bull pen, pulled the stock trailer up to the barn and loaded Pirelli for his trip.
Two jobs done in one day, and we have one less bull to worry about for the next couple of months.