In the Barn


Our cat population soared this spring with both Momma Cat and Grandma Cat delivering on or near the same day, but survival rate around here is hampered by a booming coyote population.

We have lost all but one of the four that we imported to the farm a year and a half ago leaving Crazy Uncle Boaz to be the one survivor of that group. Remaining out of the six kittens from this spring from Momma and Grandma babies are Frick (male), Frack (male), Fuzzy Zeller (female) and Peg Leg Pete (female). We lost Momma Cat sometime during the long, hot summer. She would take off for days at a time on hunting expeditions and one time she did not return, she was our best mouser.

Then Grandma Cat kicked it up a notch and delivered a new batch of kittens about 5 weeks ago. I had only heard one or two on occasion, Grandma had them stowed away deep into the hay stack. Two small kittens showing themselves for the first time in the barn.Today I finally got a glimpse of a new addition, make that two additions, I saw a little striped kitten with white around his eyes and ears and an all black kitten taking some of their first forays into the main part of the barn.

They are very skittish and I could not get close to them. This gives me a good reason to spend more time in the barn than usual.