Beyond the Farm

An Open Letter To Smokey Bear

Dear Smokey,

You are ruining my mind.

Single-handedly, you have trained me to believe that spelling out the term for smoke in the air is spelled s-m-o-k-e-y by inundating me with commercials, bill boards and your iconic hat.

When watching the evening news I jumped at the chance to correct the broadcaster who was silly enough to spell the word as s-m-o-k-y. I was forced to Google, Bing and Webster myself into a frenzy before I realized that this must have been your nefarious plot all along.

You, Mr. Smokey Bear, are a bully. A big, fuzzy, sweet-smiling bully. I fell for your trick of mighty propaganda and now I’m thinking that I should revisit many of my old posts with a more critical eye. I just don’t know how many words have been twisted and maligned and not caught by my magical spell checker, and I blame you for warping my senses.

Tanks a lot you big stinker,
