
Speaking Of Apples

When I go out into the garden, pairs of eyes appear at the fence line. The show cows line up and try to act like they are just waiting for a cross-town bus to show up, but what they are waiting for is someone to throw a squashed apple their direction…

Cows stand along barb wire fence next to the garden.…Or a handful of freshly pulled weeds, or a basketfull of grass clippings, or a torpedo zucchini.

Today I was picking up a bucket of wind-fall apples from under one of the trees. The fruit is still hard and small so it would be easy for them to choke. Instead of lobbing a few over the fence to these cows, the full bucket will be taken to the barn so the apples can be sliced in half before feeding.

Two calves wait on other side of barb wire fence.Until dinner time, these two youngsters will just have to continue to wait before getting a taste of the apples that filled the bucket.