Beyond the FarmConservation and Stewardship

Hunkering In Place

There has been a lot of hub-bub in Oregon over the last couple of months regarding the Total Solar Eclipse that has a path of totality right through the state. I have had several offers to travel 50 miles and camp out with 1 million other gawkers who plan on visiting this state to see the eclipse from an extraordinary view.

I declined each offer. There were several reasons;

  1. Never been camping. I live the rural life already, if I wanted to rough it I would turn off the circuit breakers (I already think that happens naturally enough on its own).
  2. Don’t relish the thought of sleeping next to a bunch of strangers in the middle of a field on damp ground without my coffee pot brewing automatically in the morning.
  3. Willing to do without what could end up being gridlock on every road in the state.

Although we are not directly in the path of totality, we should be able to see the sight from right here on the farm with re-runs on the Science Channel, the NASA Channel and each one of our local news channels. And that is exactly what we plan on doing.

Everyone stay safe out there and respect the great outdoors. I look forward to hearing about all the adventures once you get unpacked and have a good shower taken…