In the Woods

Off With The Old, On With The New

The official Fire Season started on July 1st this year. The start date can change each year depending on conditions. Farmers and loggers in the area watch the ground moisture closely during the summer. We are able to get the current IFPL information through the Oregon Forestry Department, the local fire danger sign located throughout the area including Manning, Vernonia and many of the local fire stations post on their signage.

IFPL is a common term that stands for Industrial Fire Precaution Level.

Level 1 means that we are currently in fire season, fire watch required after working in the woods along with having fire tools available at all times.

Level 11 (Partial Hootowl) means no operation in the woods between 1pm and 8pm.

Level 111 (Partial Shutdown) means most operations not allowed in woods but can be used in the landing (loading sites) only until 1pm. Rigs with blades only allowed in woods between the hours of 8pm and 1am.

Level 1111 General Shutdown- ALL OPERATIONS PROHIBITED

We already have our fire box located in the landing with tools for firefighting and every rig that we take into the woods has a minimum of a fire extinguisher and a shovel for each person. Two fire cannons (extinguishers filled with water and compressed air) in the woods at the falling site.The rotarty mower attached to the back of the tractor.

The time has come to take off the rotary mower from the small tractor to attach the next piece of equipment in order to be prepared for the rest of the hot summer. Even the mowing of thistles around the landing helps keep the loading area clear of debris for fire precaution but now the tractor will be used as a mobile water source.

The small tank is attached to the back of the tractor.The tank holds 110 gallons and uses the PTO (power take off) power of the tractor to pumpĀ  water under pressure through a hose and nozzle if a fire does break out.