In the Garden

Garden Dreams

Between snow showers and more rain than I am comfortable with, dreams of the garden are taking shape. We have been working on the pruning and the necessary cleanup of all the limbs, and I started the tomato seeds.

The tomatoes are totally unnecessary, I know that I could go out and buy tomato plants from the local nurseries for about $2 each when the time is ready to plant. But my mind tells me that I need to start a few of my own for a couple of reasons. 1. I can do it. and 2. There can never be too many tomatoes in the garden.

Seedling tomatoes on the window ledge with snow outside.My little seedlings are just about ready to break out their second set of leaves while outside their window another new coating of snow covers the yard and pasture.

I’m waiting for a day with temps above 45 degrees to transplant the little seedlings to 4 inch pots. I may be waiting another week for that project.