In the Garden

Time For Tree Pruning

Pear tree in need of spring pruning.All the fruit trees need to be pruned in order to force the trees to put energy into producing fruit instead of using its resources into producing water sprouts.

This is the top of the old pear tree, every one of these sprouts need to be trimmed off. Since this tree is nearly 100 years old, it is the full size version of the tree and stands about 17 feet tall. It is difficult to balance on a ladder while clipping the sprouts that can stretch 4 feet into the air.

My solution to the problem is to be lifted up on the platform of the tractor front loader. The platform can put me 9 feet above the ground. From this vantage point I use my favorite power tool, my saw on a stick. Most people would know the tool as a pole saw. It takes several times of being lowered to the ground, re-positioned and raised again at least 5 times to reach all the top branches on this great old tree.