
Heads Or Tails

Trying to snap a picture of the newborn twins is not an easy task. Their momma, #7 is a photo-hog and tries to bomb her way into most shots. Being nearly a ton in weight, she is able to make quite a statement with just a couple of steps.

Twin Black Angus newborn bull calves.Once I moved #7 to a separate pen, I was able to get a quick pick to share.

This is the back of Back and the front of Front. Or it is the front of Back and the back of Front.

Either way, the twins are doing well and jump up to nurse when they see me coming into the pen with them, and they go nurse on their own when their tummies dictate it is time to eat. They don’t cuddle up to each other, but they do like to lay within a couple of feet of each other when they are resting. Usually when momma #7 lays down she is in the middle of her two boys.

Mother and twins are doing well. We will keep them in the barn for a couple of more days as we expand the pen to new territory giving them more freedom with each opened gate. By tomorrow they will have access to space both inside and outside the barn structure. This gives the twins time to bond before putting them out into the nursery field with the other cow/calf pairs. This bond will be vital to all three in order thrive in the rough and tumble nursery pasture.