
Kitten Update

The 4 kittens have been growing quickly and are now getting into trouble not only daily, but sometimes several times each hour. We are trying to encourage them to leave the yard plants alone while getting to know the 2 dogs.

The dogs would really like the kittens to run so they could give chase. If we are successful in training the cats to stop in their tracks, the dogs will not harm them. This training may take several years, and may not be a success 100% of the time. Our 2 old mother cats still have to scamper up a tree now and then, when they forget to stop and stand their ground.

As soon as we have the show barn filled with hay, we will move the kittens from the back porch out to the barn. Here, they will begin to learn about varmint control from the mother cats. This will be their job while they hang out in the comfy hay and friendly cows.