
Outside Interests

It may not surprise you to hear that participation in community activities outside the work on the farm really are outside interests.

The local rock club, fossil/paleo collecting, mushroom hunting, stream/watershed enhancement projects and small woodland owner meetings tend to take up spare time that indoor activities would normally require. Springtime is very active with meetings, workshops, potlucks and tours.

Since we are located very close to the border of 4 counties, we are involved in outside activities in both Washington and Columbia Counties. If time would allow, I would probably get involved in the communities in all 4, but with the farm needing so much time these days, I’m spread about as thin as I can go. Just this last week I had a woodland meeting one night in Columbia County, and an evening tour of a pole harvest with outdoor bbq in Washington County just a few days later.

Each County has its own set of goals and issues. Not only do I learn from each of these associations about the natural world around me, I find tidbits about how I can better manage my own little piece of this amazing area.

Visitors to the farm are surprised to be whisked away at a moments notice if they  happen to arrive on a day that club get-togethers happen. I drag many guests with me to secluded areas of the county, just so that I am not missing my outside interests.

This post is fair warning for those who would like to see what we do here on the acreage, but be prepared for a far-afield trip if there happens to be a meeting that day also!