
Me and #34

Our heifer #34, Gauge, likes people. I mean she likes the taste of people, especially the taste of me. She is a licker. She tests the taste of boots, jeans, shirts, zippers, coats, hair, hands, chins, anything she can sample will do just fine. She likes to lick on my knuckles as I hold the water hose or gates, or try to close latches.

#34 is the type of critter that does not care to be petted on the head or face, but will stand still for 20 minutes straight if you want to scratch her back or on the top of her tail. But by doing so, you ensure that the pesky taster will stay close by the whole time you are in the pen.

When I am in the heifer pen, Gauge is usually the one that will stand closest to me as I fill the stock tanks with water. She is also the one that will wrap her tongue around the hose and pull that sucker right out of the stock tank and hose down everything in sight before dropping it to the ground causing a big mud hole. This is why I stand guard while the water is running.

The other day while standing guard and filling the tanks, I used the slack time to catch up on my selection for book club. Technology really comes in handy on this one. I have the book downloaded to my phone and I can continue the book anytime I have a few moments to read. So I have my phone out and start on Chapter 2 while I’m standing next to the three water tubs as they are filling, I wasn’t really paying much attention to the three heifers in the pen and they did not seem interested in me.

My thoughts were already split between the book and not overflowing each of the stock tanks so I really didn’t notice when Gauge had taken a little mosey over my direction. When I felt a slight tug on my pant leg as her rough tongue sanded the fabric, I said good morning to her before moving the hose to the second tub. With the phone still in my right hand, I went back to the story.

#34 continued with the licks. She tested my boots (for some reason the neoprene tops are especially flavorful) and she began to lightly nibble areas that seem less covered in dried farm goop. Then she moved up to my belt loops. She licked and bit at the loops and almost pulled me over. In an effort to appease the heifer, I scratched her back and talked to her for a little bit before needing to move the hose to the last tank.

I went back to the book to try to get the second chapter read before the water needed to be moved again. Gauge tugged on my shirtsleeves, she licked my check, she nibbled on my phone case, just being an overall pest. She finally wore me down, I put the phone away and paid attention to her until the watering in her pen was complete.

Sometimes I just wish that I didn’t taste so good, I might be able to get a little reading done around here.