
Short Term Lease

Duke,  little orphan calf, has lost his lease on the back two teats of Blush. Her natural calf, Maroon, has decided that he is now big enough to want the milk from all 4 spigots and Duke was kicked to the curb.

Well not exactly kicked to the curb, just removed from the milk source. We moved Blush and her baby Maroon along with another cow/calf pair, down the road to a neighbor farm because they have a lot of grass that they need to keep trimmed down. They will be very happy to spend the next month or two taking care of the overgrown fields.

We knew from the start that it was just a short-term solution to get Duke big enough to fend for himself with grass, hay, grain and water. The plan worked well and he is now  pen-mates with a sweet little heifer calf named Barbera.  Duke is not wild about losing his warm meal twice a day, but is adjusting to the situation.

Duke and Barbera are close to the same age and both come running into the pen when they hear me coming around the barn. Barbera is more brave and she is willing to let me get close to her and pet her on the nose when we greet. Duke is more shy but I get the chance to touch him every once and a while. The pair will have this area to themselves for another week or two before we move them to the show barn where they will have a pen and yard with some yearling heifers.