
Calves Looking for Trouble

cows in fieldNewborns stay close to their mothers for about a week. As they get older and learn to start playing with the other youngsters, they get more brave. Many times when out in the field, I notice that one mother will be babysitting four or five little ones while the other mothers are out grazing, or going to the other end of the field for water.

The little ones also will pair up with other calves to play and look for mischief. We have a gang of eight calves, they happen to be the older ones in the herd. This gang has taken to pulling the wires off the solar powered electric fence charger and disarming the whole fence. Knowing that they can step right through the line, they follow the fence looking for an easy spot for an escape! Recently, the gang of eight have broken out several mornings in a row and have gone to play along the river and over by the big farm truck. They love to rub their heads on the tires and play tag in the covert area beneath the truck bed.

New lines have been changed out on the charger, and they have been moved up higher so the youngsters can’t reach them as easily. The gang members are starting to respect the fence. They just have to do their rough-housing in the 36 acre field instead of trying to bust out!