CattleIn the Fields

Weaner Update

After I had posted the last story about our final batch of weaners I realized that I didn’t properly introduce those three calves to you. There are two bulls numbered 109 and 110 with a heifer numbered 61.

#109 is the one that spent more time away from his mother and was not nursing much if at all so he has not made a peep since we moved him away from the milk source. #’s 110 and 61 did a little complaining the first 48 hours while in-between bites of hay but it was not a whole-hearted effort and there was barely any calls back from the mothers who remained with the main herd.

Within the week the two bulls will be moved out to the bull pen to become pen mates with the rest of the bulls while we begin to advertise in the Capital Press. We like to wait until they are a year old before listing them for sale so they can be considered yearlings but we do have farmers (mostly repeat buyers) that like to pick out their next herd sire while they are still less than a year old. There will be a lot of jostling in the bull pen barn while the males do their best to testosterone their way through the teenage-like growth time.

The heifer will be transferred from one side of the barn over to where Quiet, The Complainer Cow with her calf 3T and two heifers that had been weaned a few months ago. #61 will get to spend her time growing up with room to walk down to the woods and quite a bit of open pasture space. I’m sure 3T will be happy to show her all the fun activities and boundaries.