In the FieldsIn the Garden

Any Old Home Will Do

The kitten Screamin’ Chicken has worn the dogs down, they have no choice but to put up with her. She has gotten Butler to share his bed with her during the colder nights and now during the daytime she has begun to occupy Jackson’s igloo shaped refuge.

While Butler has the larger, square shaped house, Jackson loves to crawl into his tiny igloo when a good rest is needed. There is really no room for Screamin’ Chicken in there when Jackson is occupying the space.

Jackson was spotted napping right outside his igloo during the sunny break in the clouds. Screamin’ Chicken was out of the wind and purring so loud the plastic dome seemed to vibrate. The pair of them spent most of the afternoon this way with Jackson guarding to make sure nobody messed with his housemate.

The evening chore routine broke up the napping on this day and Screamin’ Chicken moved to the filbert trees to watch for danger while Jackson and Butler loaded onto the Gator. Once the chores were done and the dogs were back near their houses, Screamin” Chicken was back so as not to miss out on dinner with her guard buddies.

She eats right alongside the dogs, a rare sight since these dogs are serious about their food, but they do not bother her during the meal. I have seen her go so far as to stick her nose into Jackson’s bowl as he is eating but he does nothing more that give a little growl and she backs off knowing that her food is just a short space away.

One thought on “Any Old Home Will Do

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Screamin’ Chicken could not have chosen better buddies. Perhaps she has a bit of species confusion.

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