CattleIn the Barn

Slippery Leaves

Our irrigation line has been causing problems. The amount of downed leaves in the river, along with dislodged logs, branches, gravel and snails have been causing us trouble over the last week. Every time we start up the pump, leaves get sucked into the line and plug up the pump.

Over and over we have had to open the pump and remove the debris that keeps the water from going on past to the lines to the barns.

Once the turbidity of the river calms a bit and the water level drops, the suction pipe will not have so much of the clogging rubbish in the way of clear water and it will be easier to fill all the stock tanks with out breaks to clean out the thick clumps of slippery glops.

In the meantime, we have been augmenting the stock tanks with caught rainwater off the roofs of the barns. It is a slow, one bucket at a time, tank fill but it keeps the tanks full enough for the extra animals that are getting ready to be hauled to auction. At the end of the week, they will be gone from the pens it will be much easier to keep enough water available for the rest of the critters.


One thought on “Slippery Leaves

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Sounds like someone needs to invent a method to funnel the rainwater from the roof directly into the stock tanks. You could do that, Susan. It also sounds like next summer when the river is low will be a good time to hunt fossils.

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