Beyond the Farm

Waiting And Waiting

Just because I broke my camera doesn’t mean I don’t have stories to tell.

Sure, the pictures I snap as I go through the day help me form the daily snippets that I send along the internet highway far and wide, but I am capable of making some sense of life without the visual clues to get me started. And I do still have the ability to get a photo with my phone if need be, but that causes a whole ‘nuther set of problems since my phone is smart but aged and its brain is struggling with memory at nearly full capacity, slow connectivity and being just plain tired of being dragged around with me in all kinds of weather and circumstances of filth.

I am stubborn enough that I do not go running off to town for just a single item. I wait until I have a real need and many lists of must haves before venturing forth into the world of real life. There is where another problem presents itself, fitting it into the schedule because when I do finally set out, there are too many things that need to be taken care of at the same time in different towns. For those customers who are awaiting a beef delivery, the big cooler filled with frozen burger takes up most of the back seat and is delivered first so determines when and where I begin my simple shopping trip.

If no beef delivery is planned, I may and usually do start out at the recycling center since I always have stuff that needs to go and my trunk is full of bags and boxes that need to be taken care of before I can purchase anything new. Then stop at the places that are near or at least in the same town as the recycling center for those items that are not available other places.

By the time I get the necessary tasks out of the way I struggle to get all the items on my lists found and secured. Many times it is only the ‘need to have’ products and when I get home the lists will have to be updated with the items that were not procured on the current trip. The new camera is wanted but not high enough priority to demand immediate purchase and has been moved from one crumpled list to a new list. The good news is that I now need printer ink and so a new camera should be on the next round of shopping since I will be in the vicinity to purchase.

In the meantime, just like the dogs waiting on the Gator for something exciting to happen, I will eek by with what I have even if it is my memories, a snapped pic from the phone or one that I took before I killed my camera.



2 thoughts on “Waiting And Waiting

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Susan – Ever heard of Amazon? You don’t even have to go to town.

    • I have heard of that company, I think.

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