In the GardenIn the Kitchen

How Cute Is That?

Our garden this year is a rather complex mix of items.

The hot weather did in many of our greens early in June any subsequent plantings did not hold up well since we were too far along in the summer by the time the seeds sprouted.

Beans began strong but have only puttered along after the first picking. We have been harvesting every few days but have not been able to get much for preserving.

The summer squash of every variety have been giving us loads of veggies and we have been happy to share the abundance of everything from patty pan, zucchini, light green zucs, acorn and spaghetti squash.

cluster of tiny tomatoesBut the one bush that has all of a sudden come into its own is a pinky tomato plant. With the late frost and the loss of several plants along with replanting from a couple of different sources we ended up with this one one tomato that is unlike any we had every had grown before.

The plant is loaded with every stage of ripening tomatoes in giant clumps. The bush is a riot of diversity and still has blooms on many of the stems.

Once cleaned and put into a salad they are little balls of goodness that get a lot of favorable remarks. And yes, they really are only the size of the tip of my pinky!


One thought on “How Cute Is That?

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    What a riot! Good for a laugh and tasty, too.

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