In the Woods

Looking For Trouble

A distressed fir tree in the middle of a stand of 15 year old trees.

I noticed a tree across the canyon. In a sea of green, it stands out as being in trouble by the yellow tinge to its needles. It standing out in the crowd.

Now one tree does not mean there is a problem, but on the other hand it could mean that there is monitoring that needs to be done. The yellowing of the single tree showed up about a week after our intense heat dome event.

This one tree may have been stressed from several years of lower than average rainfall, has been fighting off bark bugs, has a poor root system and dried out during the very hottest weather or root rot that could have been in the ground since the last harvest.

Although I do not have time at the moment to go check on the issue with this one tree, it is something that I have made a note to monitor to see if the problem exists only with this single specimen or if there is a larger problem that will need to be addressed in the future.