In the Woods

Not Here, Or Here

forest understoryAfter all the beeping my phone alarm was doing last week to remind me that I needed to get into the forest to look for mushrooms, I was finally able to get the opportunity to take a little time to do just that.

I looked in the most obvious, most productive mushroom producing areas of the woods, I was unable to locate any specimens of any kind. Normally an inch of moisture in a single weather system, even if it takes a couple of days to add up to the needed inch, produces a few Chanterelle mushrooms and sometimes other varieties also in about ten days after the rain.

With the entire region so dry this year, the two inches we had a couple of weeks ago did little to trigger the growth spurt and no matter where I looked I could not find any traces of mushrooms emerging from the forest floor.

I will not be deterred, the next round of rain will again have me out in the understory, searching for the gold of the forest in the form of edible wild mushrooms.