In the Fields

Wrong Kind Of Spring Green

There was a lot of hollering going on, it did no good at all.

Both Mike and I saw but could not stop the farm dog, Jackson from finding a really good, really soupy and really green cow pie and proceeded to make the most of the sight and smell.

Jackson was so happy, he was rolling and squirming around and rubbing all that pie goodness right into his pelt especially around his neck and collar area with copious amounts spread all over both sides of him.

What had been a black and white spotted and mottled dog, was now a green slimy critter.

Once he finally was coated to his satisfaction, he moved onto fresh dirt where he continued to work the stench in deep into his thick fur.

We tried coaxing him down to the river to wash off while it was still wet, but this was the one time he didn’t want to go anywhere near the water and his stink dried on him and wafted around long after he was done with his antics.

The drying slop stiffened the hair on his back and sides and stunk the next day. He did eventually go into the river but the dry poop has become adhered and he will just have to live with his stinky self for the next week or so until it finally decays and falls off.

And people wonder why we don’t let the dogs into the house…








2 thoughts on “Wrong Kind Of Spring Green

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Sometimes all your training and “good dog ways” gets tossed aside when the scent of a just-right degree of stink calls. I hope Jackson is the dog who rides in the back of your RTV, not on the floor by your feet.

    • He is the dog that rides in the back, however he is known for jumping up front when he is willing to share his stink.

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