In the Woods

Splashes Of Orange

I first noticed the latest plant in the forest to blossom from splashes of orange dotting the skid road as I was walking in the woods.

honeysuckleOur native Honeysuckle vine has been quietly blooming while I had been concentrating on annihilating the vivacious yellow of the Scotch Broom.

Finding spent blossoms looks like a group of tiny imps had dropped their orange trumpets at the end of a woodland party. I only had to look up to see the vine winding up a cedar tree so see more blossoms tucked in amongst the green.

Then I found more Honeysuckle hiding about knee high in the Oregon Grape that is already forming the green fruit that will turn purple throughout the summer.

Splashes of different colors are dotting the forest during the spring along with the hundreds of hues of green that Oregon has to offer.





One thought on “Splashes Of Orange

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    I love the honeysuckle as long as it doesn’t get too full of itself, wind around the trees and choke them. Fortunately, that is a seldom occurrence.

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