CattleIn the Fields

Thinking About Getting Aquainted

black cat and black calfThere was a moment going on out in the side pasture of the bull pen. This is where Quiet had recently had her baby bull named Uproar.

I was watching from the kitchen window as the black cat, Shadow, appeared near the edge of the pasture. Uproar noticed a critter in the vicinity, but was very comfortable in his resting position so he did not rush over to greet the visitor.

Each picture I took seemed to take in the thoughts from the pair of unlikely friends. Shadow was very wary and only a tail flick or head bob would let Uproar know that he was still hanging around.

The calf kept checking to see how far his mother had wandered as she grazed off to the left just out of the picture.

black cat and black calfShadow made one last effort to engage Uproar in some meaningful friendship and he walked several paces until he was almost close enough to reach out and touch the new member of the herd. That is when he had gotten a whiff of the calf and realized that this was not a big cat resting in the field but a cow, Shadow sneaked away before the calf or the momma could run after him.

Now that Uproar is a week older and running from one side of the pasture to the other with the speed of a gazelle, all the cats have to watch out because he would rather chase them than wait for a close encounter.

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One thought on “Thinking About Getting Aquainted

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Great picture recording of the unusual budding friendship. The color was right, the smell was wrong. Always good to check out friends carefully.
    PS: we were at the beach last week and had our anniversary dinner at Local Ocean. Your recommendation was correct – delicious!

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