CattleIn the Fields

#19 Blossom And Flourish

a cow with newborn calf on hillside#19 Blossom decided to calve right before we went across the bridge for the morning feeding. She was tucked in on a flat spot of the hillside right above the outdoor feeders so I could spot her easily as I walked across the bridge.

At first sighting, I could tell the baby was already standing albeit very shaky, and it was trying to nurse. That was a very good sign.

This time it was my turn to call Mike for assistance getting the new family away from the muddy hillside and mangers and into a clean pen. Between the two of us we were able to drop the electric fence that surrounds the small side field of the barnyard.

Blossom was happy to get her new baby into a space that was covered in grass and devoid of big goopy footy prints. We fed hay on the turf and after a good nursing, her calf laid down right in the middle of where Blossom was eating. We kept them in the small field through the day and night so they had quiet time to bond before moving them into the nursery field with the other cow/calf pairs.

Welcome to the farm, SAF Flourish born 2/23/21 weighing in at a solid 80 lbs. She is a good sized girl for this first time mama. Both are doing well since putting them in with the pairs and happy to have more space to frolic.

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