Beyond the Farm

Yup They Really Said That

Anytime mention of the forecast comes up I automatically think of my sister. Not because she is for forecaster, or future seer, or atmosphere-icily (yes it is a made up word, do not check your dictionary) inclined, but she refers to  weather related prophecies as coming from ‘The Weather Guessers’.

This week, our Weather Guessers are predicting a Polar Vortex. POLAR VORTEX! First hearing of this phenomenon a couple of years ago, it hit me the same as the Guessers saying that we will now be entering the Twilight Zone…

It caused me to do a little searching.

According to Wikipedia: A polar vortex is a persistent, large-scale, upper-level low-pressure area, less than 1,000 kilometers in diameter, that rotates counter-clockwise at the North Pole and clockwise at the South Pole, i.e., both polar vortices rotate eastward around the poles. The vortices weaken and strengthen from year to year.

Well that doesn’t sound so bad, the poles are supposed to have frigid temps with swirling winds, aren’t they? The simple answer is yes they are, but what is predicted to happen is that those winds will be moving down into the mainland of the United States and hanging around for several to many days. With those swirling winds, the temperature is supposed to drop dramatically. The swirling winds are expected to hang around in the upper level of the atmosphere, so we will not be having the blowing wind with the frigid air. But it does sound like the cold snap we were needing to kill off those bugs that have wintering over is about hit big time and the bugs are about to get nipped.

Welcome to the Twilight Zone. You will find me looking like a cross between The Michelin Man, the Stay Puft Marshmallow guy and The Kool-Aid Man layered in every ounce of clothing I can get my hands on. Just how many hats can one person wear at any given time? You may have to keep reading the daily stories to find out!

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2 thoughts on “Yup They Really Said That

  • Bonnie H Shumaker

    8 inches of snow here this morning with a rain/snow equiv. of 1.29 inches. I hit the button too soon on my CoCoRahs report, so didn’t get to report the snow inches which are not within their accuracy indicators anyway (I just measure the snow on my back deck). At least there is no ice crust this morning, and I share your delight that bugs are freezing and won’t be around so much this summer.

    • admin

      Good dumping occuring!

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