CattleIn the BarnIn the Fields

The Aftermath

Whew! After the super busy week of sales, deliveries, harvest and general upheaval, we were in the need to move animals around a bit. Most of the moving happened on the closer side of the river, only moving Ruby away from the main herd and into the nursery field happened on the other side.

The bull pen is less on critter due to the sale, shuffling to the show barn temporarily before loading and on to a herd of his own. Through the harvest, the oldest set of twins and the sire are now out of the show barn and pasture areas.

cows in grassy fieldWe have moved the younger set of twins and the five other heifers into the larger area with the two show cows. The new group are really enjoying being able to scamper down into the woods beyond the barn and spend their days in the grass under the tall fir trees. We did not have any animals in this area for over 6 weeks and the group is treating it like a holiday vacation. New areas to explore, scratching posts need to be found, perfect spots located for lounging.

The purchased yearling bull #48 is now alone in the barn and outside pen with his first crush, heifer #47. This is where he is learning all his bullish ways with a single female near his same age. It will not be long, perhaps a month or more,  before he is ready to begin his sire duties with the main herd across the river.

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