Beyond the Farm

So Happy To Have It Gone

After much debate and lots of pushing back the dates of transport because of all the other demanding tasks on our agenda, we finally, Finally, FINALLY got a load of scrap metal taken to the recycle center.

To me this is a big deal. I have been hoping that a load would get cleaned up and off the farm for more than a year. We have had piles, buckets of scrap, bits of broken equipment, etc, etc,. It was getting out of control and we didn’t have any kind of containers left in which to hold any more.

The pickup left the driveway this morning and in less than two hours, Mike was back and the load was gone! Hallelujah! If you drive by in the next day or two and you see me dancing in the driveway, you’ll know that I am still celebrating!

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2 thoughts on “So Happy To Have It Gone

  • Bonnie H Shumaker

    Did you have any trouble agreeing on what should go and what should stay? Bob and I always request a look-see of what the other put in the pile before things go to the dump. The old adage is true “One person’s junk is another’s treasure.

    • Oh the good stuff never makes it to the junk pile. We have stacks of ‘stuff’ in the shop and under the walkway roof, in my mind it all could go but Mike thinks a gear shift tie rod who-sit from a 1974 pajama recliner (or something to that effect) needs to be kept just in case…

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